
  • Znicze

    In Polish, "znicze" (ZNEE-cheh) means candles. And each year on the 1st and 2nd of November, candles have a special place in the traditions ("tradycje") of Poland. These two days are, respectively, All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day.

    During these two days, a family ("rodzina") in Poland visits the graves of loved ones and participates in the ancient practice of Zaduszki — honoring the dead with candles and flowers ("kwiaty"). The candles and candle holders are specially designed to burn ("palić") outdoors for a long time. You can see candles and Zaduszki evenings in photographs here as well as in a video here.

    This is a national event with both a private ("prywatny") and a public ("publiczny") side. Tens of millions of people honor the memory of family members who have departed, and they also visit the graves of national heroes ("bohaterów") — statesmen, soldiers, writers, academics and others whose work helped to shape the Polish nation ("naród").

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  • Dziedzictwo

    In Polish, "dziedzictwo" (jyeh-jeets-tvoh) means heritage. In the United States ("stany zjednoczone") the month of October is Polish-American Heritage Month.

    The first Polish settlers arrived in North America in 1608 at the colony ("kolonia") of Virginia. Today more than 10 million Americans claim some Polish heritage and many enjoy participating in traditions of Polish culture ("polska kultura").

    Food ("żywność") is an essential part of these traditions ("tradycje") and Polish cooking has expanded from Polish communities to folks of all backgrounds and locations. Pierogi and kielbasa are especially popular!

    You'll find authentic Polish food at one of our New Jersey stores as well as at our online store. We pack with care and deliver to all 50 states! Thank you for visiting, and...smacznego!

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